“Wage Love” is a phrase initially made popular by Detroit activist Charity Hicks. In the midst of water shutoffs in Detroit, she argued that we needed to aggressively wage love at the negativity coming from leadership.
Ideologically it suggests that the best way to fight negativity is not with more negativity, but rather with positive energy and action.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that” – MLK
in this new iteration, “#wagelove” started as a response to the la wildfires to support those impacted.
It has transformed into artists, designers, activists, scientists, and others coming together to help people respond to threats to work focused on advancing innovative thought and helping marginalized communities.
How it works.
Modeled after the ice bucket challenge, the #wagelove dance challenge is a vehicle for calling people together to respond to urgent needs based on the changing landscape.
- Make a statement of why you’re waging love and if you have a call to action.
- Do the dance and film it. Individuals can use the filters listed here (put qr codes for filters)
- Challenge 3 others and tag them on social media when you post your video.
- Go to wage love now and click on the map to put your video amongst all the others.
“Empathy and compassion are under attack. We need a response team” Sultan Sharrief
It is a call to action to show love, compassion, and to make space for those suffering from various challenges.
#WageLove is an evolved form of protest in which we move from stating the problem to designing better solutions.
Past Wage Love Campaigns
Wage Love Around The World
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